Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

Oleh : Firman Bachtiar

Sering kali kita menjumpai berbagai macam produk dan jasa yang merupakan ide ide baru yang bagus, sangat cemerlang dan sekilas mempunyai propek penjualan yang bagus serta unggul namun ketika terjun dalam pasar yang penuh dengan persaingan yang kejam membuat produk/jasa tersebut layu sebelum berkembang. Namun ada beberapa peluncuran produk baru yang sangat sukses membuat orang sampai rela antri dan indent menunggu untuk mendapatkan barang atau produk yang di maksud, seperti misalnya peluncuran mobil toyota kijang yang sebelum produk tersebut meluncur ke pasar sudah ramai dibicarakan di media masa dan dari mulut konsumen atau peluncuran apple ipad di luar negeri beberapa waktu yang lalu dan tahukah anda kalau Apple IPad/IPhone yang menghebohkan saat peluncuran dan membuat orang rela untuk antri untuk membeli dan mendapatkan barang tersebut,  ternyata alat yang serupa juga pernah dibuat dan  di jual di negara China tapi tidak diteruskan produksinya karena tidak laku.

Nah, berikut adalah beberapa tip yang mungkin dapat bermanfaat dalam upaya memasarkan produk Barang/jasa unggulan anda antara lain sebagai berikut :

1.      Siapa segmen konsumen yang akan kita tuju? Perlunya kita fokuskan apakah kalangan profesional muda, kalangan atas, kalangan pelajar, dsb.

2.      Bagaimana kita mengkomunikasikan dengan konsumen? Cara mengkomunikasikan yang paling baik dan tepat, apakah lewat pembicaraan mulut ke mulut, lewat radio ? Ingat sesuatu  yang efektif  tidak harus dengan biaya yang tinggi.

3.      Lewat saluran penjualan yang bagaimana anda akan mencapai konsumen anda ?  Lewat jalur distributor atau lewat penjualan langsung dan bagaimana nilai yang akan anda tawarkan kepada konsumen anda?

4.      Apa kegiatan atau event utama yang akan memberikan nilai lebih ? Serta bagaimana sumberdaya utama yang kita miliki ?

5.      Pertimbangkan juga siapa mitra kita ? Di dalam mengembangkan produk baru kita sebaiknya memiliki mitra-mitra strategis yang dapat mendorong angka penjualan serta apa nilai tambah yang kita miliki sehingga konsumen bersedia untuk membayar lebih,

6.      Biaya ? Kita hidup di dunia dimana semua serba terbatas sehingga kita di tuntut untuk memafaatkan sebaik mungkin semua sumber daya yang kita miliki.

Jangan lupa pemberitahuan yang lebih awal (beberapa bulan sebelumnya) kepada para calon konsumen akan membuat calon konsumen bersiap-siap untuk memburu produk unggulan anda. Kalimat yang terlalu panjang dalam mengiklankan sesuatu juga seringkali terasa berlebihan hingga konsumen sulit mengingatnya seperti Just Do It !, Connecting People,  Harga Kaki 5 Rasa Bintang 5  adalah suatu bentuk kalimat yang mudah diingat. Buatlah suatu kalimat yang tidak lebih dari 5 kata yang bisa dengan efisien menggambarkan kehebatan ide brilian anda.  

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Oleh : Firman Bachtiar

Ciri Pemimpin Era Globalisasi
1.       Melayani

Waktu berlalu dan zaman berubah, pada zaman dahulu kala perintah pimpinan adalah mutlak dan harus dipatuhi tanpa bertanya. Contoh yang ekstrim adalah pada zaman Fir’aun dimana perintah raja/Fir’aun yang sampai menganggap dirinya adalah Tuhan, sehingga kalau perintahnya tidak di turuti maka hukuman yang berat menanti. Pada saat itu mungkin tidak pernah terbayang oleh masyarakat, seperti yang di beritakan media baru-baru ini kalau Presiden Amerika Serikat Barrack Obama menyiapkan/melayani  makan bagi para juru kampanyenya. Pemimpin dengan prinsip melayani derajatnya tidak akan turun seperti saat Presiden Obama menyiapkan makanan, rasa hormat malah meningkat padanya.

Saat ini pemimpin lebih kepada seseorang yang bisa melayani, yang dipercaya dan bertanggung jawab serta dengan bijaksana menuntun arah organisasi/perusahaan/daerah untuk mencapai tujuan.

2.       Keterbukaan

Di era keterbukaan saat ini organisasi bukannya merupakan suatu perkumpulan dimana informasi disimpan rapat – rapat.  Saat ini pengetahuan dan Infomasi perlu untuk di bagikan kepada semua karyawan agar semua dapat melihat organisasinya dengan jelas. Dengan adanya keterbukaan informasi dan tujuan akan membuat tiap lini dalam organisasi mengerti apa yang harus di kerjakan tiap bagian dan sejauh mana mereka harus bertanggung jawab, sehingga memang perlu secara berkala menjelaskan kepada lini organisasi tentang arah yang sedang di tuju pada saat tersebut.

3.       Dapat di akses dengan mudah

Menjalankan organisasi/perusahaan menuntut tanggung jawab yang sangat besar, secara umum menjadikan pemimpin sangat sibuk dengan waktu yang terbatas.  Mempunyai beberapa channel akses adalah hal yang penting untuk bisa mendapatkan semua informasi penting mulai dari level paling bawah sampai atas yang terseleksi, baru-baru ini salah satu stasiun televisi BBC  Inggris sampai membuat program acara yang diberi judul “Under Cover Boss” yang merupakan acara drama realitas dimana dalam tiap episode menggambarkan pimpinan puncak suatu perusahaan, organisasi, pemerintahan (setingkat walikota) yang turun langsung ke lapangan demi mendapatkan situasi riil dan terkini dilapangan. Sehingga sebagai pemimpin mereka bisa segera mengambil langkah yang tepat guna optimalisasi kinerja organisasi mereka.

4.       Optimis

“Badai Pasti Berlalu”, sikap yakin bahwa masa depan akan lebih baik, waktu yang akan datang tiada yang tahu,  namun pemimpin yang memiliki sikap ini membawa energi positif yang dapat menyebar kepada organisasi dibawah kepemimpinannya.  Pada  umumnya sikap ini berpengaruh kepada lingkungannya sehingga orang-orang yang berada di sekeliling nya akan ikut berbuat positif, dapat membuat organisasi selalu optimis melangkah maju.

5.       Sederhana

Cara hidup dan pakaian yang mentereng dengan jas lengkap dan dasi bukanlah patokan utama, para pemimpin perusahaan multinasional seperti Apple dan Google malah berpakaian casual namun sopan atau para menteri pada kabinet Republik Indonesia saat ini  seperti Bapak Dahlan Iskan dan banyak yang lainnya jika mereka tidak di luar negeri terlihat di layar kaca lebih banyak mengenakan kemeja putih atau batik. Mereka sadar bahwa sebenarnya kinerja usaha yang lebih utama, fokus kepada pencapaian tujuan organisasi tidak perlu dengan bermewah-mewah. Untuk kondisi geografis Indonesia pakaian casual sopan juga lebih cocok seperti yang pernah di ucapkan oleh Mantan Wapres RI  Bapak Jusuf Kalla, lebih hijau dalam artian tidak perlu ac yang terlalu dingin sehingga lebih hemat energi.   

6.       Update dengan perkembangan teknologi

Perkembangan teknologi saat ini bergerak cepat, pemimpin yang baik perlu update dengan perkembangan terkini dan memanfaatkannya untuk perkembangan organisasi yang mereka pimpin. Semisal trend belanja online yang naik (kompas,11 mei 2012) yaitu 57 persen dari pengguna internet akrab dengan belanja online. Di dalam dunia politik pada saat kampanye presiden yang lalu, tim kampanye Barrack Obama sangat aktif memanfaatkan media sosial  internet seperti  facebook dan twitter.
Sepatah Kata,

PT Panca Anugerah Sakti di harapkan mampu melakukan usaha secara bersama-sama untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan dan ketrampilan pada anak didik kita dalam bentuk softskill dan lebih aplikatif.

Setiap usaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas SDM anak Indonesia sejak dini harus kita dukung dan berikan apresiasi, karena usaha-usaha ini membantu tugas kita semua sebagai suatu bangsa dalam mengejar ketertinggalan kita dalam pengembangan SDM dari bangsa dan negara lain.

Untuk ini kita perlu meningkatkan jumlah partisipasi anak usia sekolah (APK) untuk bersekolah, menekan dan mengurangi tingkat putus sekolah (drop out), baik karena alasan akademik maupun alasan sosial ekonomi. Itu artinya kita harus mampu meningkatkan minat dan kemauan belajar serta kemampuan ekonomi untuk bersekolah dari anak usia sekolah. Dalam suatu dunia yang makin menglobal, maka perekonomian suatu negara harus di dasarkan pada apa yang di sebut knowledge base economy (perekonomian yang didasarkan pada ilmu dan teknologi)

Maka setiap negara di dunia yang ingin mengembangkan perekonomian nya harus mempunyai SDM yang berkualitas seperti yang di katakan oleh Prof Herbisan, seorang ahli ekonomi pendidikan, suatu negara yang tidak mempunyai SDM yang berkualitas maka negara tersebut susah untuk bisa mengembangkan perekonomiannya.

Mudah-mudahan usaha dan misi PT. Panca Anugerah Sakti adalah sebagian dari usaha meningkatkan kualitas SDM Indonesia dan meningkatkan life skill pada anak-anak sekolah sehingga mereka bisa menempuh kehidupannya dengan lebih baik setelah menyelesaikan pendidikannya dan juga bisa memberikan kontribusi terhadap perkembangan dan pembangunan ekonomi Indonesia, agar sejajar dengan bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia.

Selasa, 25 September 2012

Oleh : Firman Bachtiar

Seperti tubuh kita yang harus selalu di jaga kesehatannya, demikian juga usaha yang anda rintis perlu di waspadai dari penyakit penyakit ini:

·         Kurang perhatian pada  perkembangan teknologi baru:  sekitar 10 tahun yang lalu banyak bermunculan di tanah air usaha penyewaan VCD film seperti contoh EZ video/VCD rentalan di kota seperti Purworejo dan kota kota lain. Usaha ini mengkoleksi VCD film berbagai kelompok seperti drama, horor, sejarah dll sehingga pelanggan yang menjadi anggota dapat menyewa koleksi VCD itu dengan jangka waktu 2 sampai 3 hari sesuai dengan minat masing masing penyewa. Perkembangan  teknologi internet, TV dan parabola mini membuat masyarakat mempunyai pilihan yang lebih mudah dan murah dalam mendapat kan hiburan yang di inginkan. Dalam hitungan beberapa tahun saja amatlah sangat sulit bagi kita untuk dapat mencari usaha penyewaan VCD. Di dalam skala global dapat di jadikan  contoh merek Xerox yang dahulu merupakan pioner dunia untuk mesin foto kopi bahkan untuk beberapa golongan masyarakat mereka Xerox = foto kopi. Dalam dekade 1960 and dan 1970 an mereka di puji puji sebagai perusahaan teladan dengan harga saham yang meroket tinggi dengan jaringan penjualan yang tidak hanya di Amerika Serikat yang merupakan pusatnya juga eropa bahkan sampai ke negara negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Namun setelah kurun waktu 1990 dan 2000 an mereka terlambat mengikuti perkembangan teknologi digital printer.

·         Kurang perhatian pada perkembangan selera konsumen: motto konsumen adalah raja memang ada benarnya, beberapa kurun waktu yang lalu ada beberapa jaringan toko diskon yang memfokuskan menjual barang barang yang murah, namun seiring dengan kemajuan ekonomi permintaan masyarakat berubah mereka ingin barang yang berkwalitas dan merek yang menyakinkan dengan harga yang terjangkau. Juga kemunculan jaringan toko Alfamart dan Indomaret di mana konsumen ingin dapat melihat, memegang dan memilih barang yang akan di beli dengan suasana yang terang dan nyaman dalam hal ini mungkin beberapa barang berada pada segmentasi yang lebih mahal tapi dalam hal ini menjadikan harga sebagai faktor no 2. Dalam hal ini kita tidak bisa menawar harga di tempat tersebut. Sebagai contoh yang lain semisal pada Mbah atau Kakek kita dahulu di rumahnya pada umum punya 1 unit mesin jahit, bahkan pada zaman tersebut mesin jahit di rumah merupakan barang yang elite serta rumah yang tidak punya mesin jahit di anggap sang Ibu kurang perhatian kepada keluarga. Bisa kita renungkan pada situasi sekarang, permintaan mesin jahit untuk keperluan rumah tangga sudah jauh berkurang bahkan pada keluarga muda sangat sulit di temukan yang memajang mesin jahit di ruang keluarganya.

·         Terlalu pede pada Prestasi gemilang di masa yang sudah lewat: perasaan puas dan nyaman biasanya di dasarkan pada pengalaman dan keyakinan pada kesuksesan di masa yang lampau akan berlanjut pada masa yang akan datang, dengan asumsi bahwa masa depan akan sama dengan sekarang bahkan lebih baik lagi.  Posisi ini menyebabkan lebih suka status quo, malas belajar lagi,  lambat mengambil keputusan dan birokratis. Sebagian contoh pada lingkungan  global seperti IBM yang pada masa gemilangnya dianggap sebagai perusahaan teladan serta visioner dengan semboyan “build to  last”. Budaya perusahaan menekankan penampilan kemeja putih, jas biru dan sikap berwibawa, IBM telah sukses dalam waktu lama sehingga bersikap puas diri, sehingga mantan CEO nya membuat autobiografi “who says elephant can’t dance?”. Sehingga sangat ironis kalau salah satu pencetus home komputer pada tahun 1980 an adalah IBM namun saat ini kenyataan pasar PC dan notebook berkata lain.

·         Sombong - dalam wirausaha sifat ini sebaiknya ditanggalkan :  memang ini adalah salah satu sifat yang tidak sepantasnya di miliki oleh manusia, sifat ini merupakan “selendang” sang Khaliq. Tanda-tanda dari arogansi adalah pada saat kita berhenti mendengarkan dalam artian berhenti mendengar suara lingkungan baik pelanggan bisa juga pemasok atau menyepelekan pendapat orang lain. Tanda lain adalah anda mulai berfoya-foya dan mau menang sendiri. Biasanya tidak ada orang atau perusahaan yang menjadi sombong dalam semalam, kebiasaan itu dapat tumbuh bertahun-tahun dan dapat tertancap dalam jiwa perusahaan. Kita seharusnya berterima kasih bila ada yang berani memberi masukan / komentar kepada kita. Jadikan itu sebagai salah satu sarana untuk perbaikan diri, karena kesempurnaan hanyalah milik ALLAH SWT.

Semoga dari beberapa ciri penyakit yang dapat merugikan usaha seperti contoh diatas dapat cepat di diagnosa dan cepat diambil tindakan untuk menjadikan usaha berkembang lebih baik menuju masa depan yang lebih cerah.

Minggu, 09 September 2012

Maret 2007

Creativity is measured by several criteria and could be interpreted by many points of view, but it is absolutely depended on the quality of leadership of the organization. 

Leadership is not a person but a system. People normally equate the term ’leadership’ with ‘the leader’. This is partly the result of the ‘cult of personality’ that has been gaining ground in our society as a whole, and partly the result of a growing business hagiography, which over the past decade has lionized. The effect has been to make us think that they, and they alone, have been the culture-makers, and that somehow the future of these cultures rests solely in their hands. 

People have made the mistake of over exaggerating the contribution of individual leaders to change culture. The fact of the matter is that in this area individual leaders, even those at the pinnacle of an organization, cannot actually lead, and it is time we stopped pretending that they can. The reasons are hard political ones. The power of symbolic and situational definition are, and probably always have been, too diffuse to assume any one person is or can ever be in control of the cultural process. 

We must therefore concur that there is a growing ‘crisis of leadership’ in society and organization, where the people at the top have begun to realize that they no longer have the power to determine opinion or make things happen, at least not in the way they would like. The existing pluralism within the culture of the organization conspires to prevent leaders from ‘taking charge and making change’. They are powerless in the face of the gigantic, enormous, multi-legged octopus we call culture and perplexed by the whole issue of how to intervene in, influence or change it. 

The problem with trying to lead to day, at least in the old-fashioned sense of the word, is that there are just too many unknowns, too many things requiring attention, too many forces and counter forces pulling in different directions, too many things to get done and too many different demand on human ingenuity and skill for any one person to be expected to shoulder on his or her own. Without the help and support of others, top leaders invariably end up the victim of their organization culture or to be more specific, the kind of paralyzing vicious circle of thinking described earlier. 

The strategist feels compelled to call a halt to development because he or she feels the culture no longer has the potential for delivering what it was originally set up to achieve. Its limits have been reached. It is seen as having lost its creative or reproductive capacity; the life has flowed out of it; it is withering and dying, in danger of being no more than an empty shell. Time and the natural ageing process have taken their toll. The organization is in decline, its strategies-in-use is no longer the right instruments for achieving its objectives, the ‘exhausted soil’ of culture, the cultural symbols being ‘all used up and worn out’ and its tools are ‘blunted’. 

Not only has the culture lost its creativity and vitality, and its ability to touch hearts and minds, it has also lost its direction: what was once a progressive linearity of development has become a regressive circularity of development; the ‘virtuous’ circle, with its infinite capacity for generating new combinations of the cultural material, has become a ‘vicious’ circle, a whirlpool or spiral of narrowing options and endless repetitions of constantly failing solutions; a framework of opportunities has become a framework of constraints. The strategy-in-use has become a straitjacket; the solution has become problem; and the ‘vision’ has become blind, shortsighted dogma, unable now see the wood for the trees. 

For betterment, we are in urgent need of a sea change in the way we think about and practice leadership, and I believe the culture perspective might help us to achieve our goals. What it does is depersonalize and dissenter the leadership concept, so that we start to perceive leadership as a cooperative or collective enterprise spread throughout the organizational network or system, a property of the system rather than of any single individual. Clearly, there are still individual leaders participating in, even initiating, the process of change, but now they are no longer portrayed as omniscient or omnipotent, but as links in a much bigger chain or ‘network of leadership’, the unit of cultural production. The culture perspective does not therefore rule out individualism, but makes it part of a bigger endeavor. From this viewpoint leadership thus moves from the singular to the plural, from the personal to the systemic, from a privilege exercised by the few to function exercised by the many. Change becomes a creative collective effort.

 Change is a highly complex business, difficult to understand, and because of its non-linear nature almost impossible to deal with systematically, or to write about convincingly. Certainly, if one’s ambition is to tell it ‘how it really is’ or was, the result is almost certain to be a story as labyrinthine and multilayered. Things, as they say, are going to take a whole lot of explaining.

In matters of culture it is nearly always a case of an ibis, therefore is never far from one’s mind. Nor can one ever be sure that things will come right in the end. 

Working with changes need a greater tolerance for complexity, however, will reward investigators with a deep understanding of the phenomena they are studying and a firmer basis for interpreting the data they collect. 

Given a highly attractive alternative, one might well ask what would induce anyone to read a book that promises no ‘keys’, no ‘solutions’, no ‘simple secrets’, not even an eight-point guide to ‘excellence’ or a single two-by-two matrix of strategic options for change. 

The guiding maxim of philosophy being proposed is that one should meet complexity with complexity, that is develop a framework sufficiently complex to embrace the complexity within the subject matter it is seeking to describe, but no so complex and life-size as to be as confusing as the ‘real thing. Unfortunately, it is here at the very first stage of conceptualization that one encounters a major problem: there are apparently no framework like this is available, we don’t even seem to have a reasonable way, i.e., a conceptual framework, for thinking about change.

 If an institution takes care its man who work with, by fulfilling their needs, provide them wealthier and happier condition, the institution will last for decades and hopefully will last for next generation. Human investment as a part of human development is the most important in every institution or business organization.  

When Jack Welch took over the GE management, he faced two options, either sold the GE’s assets or terminate the employers. He said that he rather lost the assets than good and creative personals. He said if the company will return wealthy, the company are able to buy any loosing assets, but if the company lost the good people, the company will have no power to fight against the competitors.

There are several measurement could be used, i.e. financial audit, management audit, personnel performance assessment, institutional assessment, etc. It will provide a grade of good governance through institutional credibility and accountability, effectiveness and efficiency in operational activities, and the growth of core business.

Since sustainable development study focuses on the continuation of natural process, it automatically will change the perspective and one’s point of view. He or she will more concern about the long-term results rather than short ‘bombastic’ effort. By considering the better life for next generation, obviously, we have to provide a solid foundation through a holistic approach which covers an integrated solution for the future; and for the sake of ethics, norm and morality, we do not dishonor ourselves with ‘dirty’ thought and activities.

Human life is a journey, it is not valued by the length of time but by the good things that he or she has done for surrounding people, the people who care and share with, the people who work with and help to solve so many problems, the people who have been ignored and disgraced by a certain condition, and the people who never be appreciated properly.

Music therapy have proven can make human spirits more calm, people in highly stress defenedly need music to recover even the baby before birth, with 6 to 9 month in mother pregnant hear the clasical or soft music can response to the sound.

This analyze will put us to the point that we have to take care the eco-system; ‘back to nature’ is the perfect word to figure out our concern to the sustainability of environment.

There seven items should be considered regarding to sustainable environment:

  1. Reduce
  2. Reuse
  3. Recycling
  4. Environment consideration
  5. Life-cycle costs
  6. Energy conservation
  7. Quality

Analysis support management is give service to the management for information need internally and externally. The dynamic change of the envifonment needs to watch and follow recent situation. The analysis report regularly sent to the management as reference to the decision. As the logistic of the information the analysis support management could affect the performance of the organization in the future, in kind of good analysis give and lead the organization in the right way
Maret 2007

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an expression used to describe what some see as a company’s obligation to be sensitive to the needs of all of the stakeholders in its business operations. 

A company’s stakeholders are all those who are influenced by, or can influence, a company’s decisions and actions. These can include (but are not limited to): employees, customers, suppliers, community organizations, subsidiaries and affiliates, joint venture partners, local neighborhoods, investors, and shareholders (or a sole owner). 

CSR is closely linked with the principles of "Sustainable Development" in proposing that enterprises should be obliged to make decisions based not only on the financial/economic factors but also on the social and environmental consequences of their activities. 

Some would argue that it is self-evidently “good” that businesses should seek to minimize any negative social and environmental impact resulting from their economic activity. It can also be beneficial for a company’s reputation to publicize (for example) any environmentally beneficial business activities. A company, which develops new engine technology to reduce fuel consumption, will be able (if it chooses) to promote its CSR credentials as well as increase profits. 

Some commentators are cynical about the true level of commitment of corporations to ideas like CSR and Sustainable Development, and their actual motivations for responsible behavior. (Corporations that create the appearance of acting responsibly just for its public relations value are said to be "green washing.") 

Such commentators also say, citing Friedman's dictum, that the idea of an “ethical company” is an oxymoron, since the corporation is by its nature compelled to maximize its own interest, whatever the external price. Corporate executives and employees in turn have strong incentives to internalize the corporation's statutory obligations to maximize profits, sometimes to the extent that they abdicate their individual moral and ethical obligations as human beings. This tendency is, of course, encouraged by the desire to keep one's job, and by a system that judges and rewards performance strictly by bottom-line returns. The results of this tendency were clearly seen in the many corporate scandals of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. 

So the CSR movement may perhaps be understood as an attempt not so much to regulate the activities of corporations per se, as to remind the people who constitute these corporations that they nonetheless have other responsibilities beyond the corporate ones.




Workplace diversity, globally, workforces have become more diverse because they have included increasing numbers of the following groups of people:

    1. Women;
    2. Immigrants (and those who speak foreign languages);
    3. Representatives of a minority religion or ethnic group;
    4. People of various sexual orientations;
    5. Members of unconventional family structures, including single-parent families,
    6. Elderly people,
    7. People with disabilities, 
Organizations who implement workplace diversity programs are concerned about the diversity of a global customer base. Foreign language and culture skills, ingenuity, humor, and careful listening, are examples of traits that workplace diversity programs typically require. It would appear that these evidence a general shift to the human capital point of view, and an acknowledgement that human beings do contribute much more to a productive enterprise than "work": they bring their character, their ethics, their creativity, their social connections, and in some cases even their pets and children, and alter the character of a workplace.

With diversity organization can using the advance of understanding various situations also costumers and use it to develop suitable decision and format in business situation.

Now days people working most with the semi system of the virtual team and face-to-face working groups. Like more people using the electronic mail, short/ multimedia massage service. Mobile phone, facsimile, even the teleconference but as human still need face-to-face meeting. The draft of agreement, the negotiation and so on but still at last the feeling and emotional of the human not yet replace by the virtual teams.

E-business, E-mail, E-banking, and E-learning are few examples in information technology era. The replacement of paper work and face-to-face interaction reduce transportation time, and make our world ‘flat’. Through the virtual computer programs people from the other side of world are able to communicate instantly beyond time and space frame.

 Electronics ways make everything seem easy and flexible. People have a huge access of information. Cyber net café replace classroom where people could study anything they like. To whom need study, website is a valuable unlimited source with a millions data and information. The sky is the limit.

Maret 2007

    1. How do civility frame change process

Frame change process

                                          i.    Mobilization the stake holder energy to support the change

                                        ii.    Develop the strategy to gain positive competitiveness

                                       iii.    Gain the organizational consensus to support the change as good solution

                                       iv.    Make the change as the organizational as the need to survive

                                        v.    Monitor the process and response positively

    1. Who are the main stakeholders in change

The main stakeholders in change will the whole organization, because it need to keep the company survive in the hyper competition era, the need of good CEO in the process of change really in the critical point, as the case of Garuda Indonesia Airlines the CEO at that time Mr. Robby Johan make turnaround for the company and his successor Mr. Abdul Gani  from the bleeding of the company to the trustable and profitable airline in the domestic and international

    1. How do they shape the change processes

They shape the processes through strategic change within need support and coordination from linkage unit. Change the value of the company need to linkage with the company environmental. The change of the workflow efficiency will increase the revenue and the resources

Change is ongoing and takes place through many small steps—that is, through continuous incremental change, On the surface, the advantages of continuous incremental change are many:

  • Small changes are easier to manage.
  • Small changes enjoy greater probability of success than big ones.
  • Disruption is short-term and confined to small units at any given time.
  • The organization and its people are kept in a constant state of competitiveness and change-readiness.

Transformational change makes the direction of the whole organization going to the different direction. These transformational changes make the break through of the organization and make whole new business process. The characteristic of the transformational change

    1. Make new organization paradigm
    2. Whole organization transformation
    3. New management structure
    4. Technology breakthrough
    5. New product or new market

Incremental change will something continue happen in one organization to balance the equibrilium of the organization with small but continues. The most case, change only applies to one part of the organization and the impact will be affect to that part of the organization.

-       To make adjustment equibrilium of the organization

-       Change in the part of the organization

-       Through the ordinary management process

-       Existing technology with new finishing

-       Existing product with new finishing


The notion of continuous incremental  change as the ideal organizational state is fairly recent, so its long-term effects on individuals are not known. However, broad-based experience with continuous process improvement, primarily in Asia and less so in Europe and the United States, indicates that people can handle it.

The advantage of  incremental change, Small changes are easier to manage, small changes enjoy greater probability of success than big ones, disruption is short-term and confined to small units at any given time, the organization and its people are kept in a constant state of competitiveness and change-readiness.

The facts that we often fail to define our expectation clearly, we fail to provide true, effective support and we do not recognize people effectively.

The facts that we often significant consequences for failing to perform, and worse yet we fail to follow up on the execution of such consequences in those cases where they need to be enacted.

Sometimes change not built on the unique strength and values of the organization, the change should holistic because all part of the organization take the change if the focal system not include with the holistic system it will make the change in the stepping back.

More often the focal system make more complaining, sometimes the typical of the person were different, as usual the management more or less have the list to identify the focal, and take them into the negotiation process and progress in the fist move.

Change programe fail because of ;

·         Wrong visioner to the change program, misleading to read the situation and lead the change program to the wrong direction. Harley Davidson had been in the difficult time when the companies try to make effecien engine like honda or yamaha.

·         Sabotage in the process of change

·         Communicate will be very important to inform the goal of the change and if the information and communication during the change program not in the good condition may broke the progress.

·         Not support, the change is complicated progress it should be support by all element of the organization also the out side element that related to the companies.

Sometimes change not built on the unique strength and values of the organization, the change should holistic because all part of the organization take the change if the focal system not include with the holistic system it will make the change in the stepping back.

In the last decades of the 20th century, the word "stakeholder" has become more commonly used to mean a person or organization that has a legitimate interest in a project or entity. In discussing the decision-making process for institutions -- including large business corporations, government agencies, and non-profit organizations -- the concept has been broadened to include everyone with an interest (or "stake") in what the entity does. This includes not only its vendors, employees, and customers, but even members of a community where its offices or factory may affect the local economy or environment. In this context, "stakeholder" includes not only the directors or trustees on its governing board (who are stakeholders in the traditional sense of the word) but also all persons who "paid in" the figurative stake and the persons to whom it may be "paid out" (in the sense of a "payoff" in game theory, meaning the outcome of the transaction).

In the field of corporate governance and corporate responsibility, a major debate is ongoing about whether the firm should be managed for stakeholders, stockholders, or customers. Those who support the stakeholder view usually base their arguments on the following four key assertions:


1) Value can best be created by trying to maximize joint outcomes. For example, according to this thinking, programs that satisfy both employees' needs and stockholders' wants are doubly valuable because they address two legitimate sets of stakeholders at the same time. There is even evidence that the combined effects of such a policy are not only additive but even multiplicative. For instance, by simultaneously addressing customer wishes in addition to employee and stockholder interests, both of the latter two groups also benefit from increased sales or benefit.


2) Supporters also take issue with the preeminent role given to stockholders by many business thinkers, especially in the past. The argument is that debt holders, employees, and suppliers also make contributions and take risks in creating a successful firm.


3) These normative arguments would matter little if stockholders had complete control in guiding the firm. However, many believe that due to certain kinds of board of directors structures, top managers like CEOs are mostly in control of the firm.


4) The greatest value of a company is its image and brand. By attempting to fulfill the needs and wants of many different people ranging from the local population and customers to their own employees and owners, companies can prevent damage to their image and brand, prevent losing large amounts of sales and disgruntled customers, and prevent costly legal expenses. While the stakeholder view has an increased cost, many firms have decided that the concept improves their image, increases sales, reduces the risks of liability for corporate negligence, and makes them less likely to be targeted by pressure groups.


Types of stakeholders


·         People who will be affected by an endeavor and can influence it but who are not directly involved with doing the work. In the private sector, examples include managers who are affected by a project, process owners, people who work with the process under study, internal departments that support the process, the financial department, suppliers, and even customers.

·         People who are (or might be) affected by any action taken by an organization or group. Examples are parents, children, customers, owners, employees, associates, partners, contractors, suppliers, people that are related or located near by. Any group or individual who can affect or who is affected by achievement of a group's objectives.

·         An individual or group with an interest in a group's or an organization's success in delivering intended results and in maintaining the viability of the group or the organization's product and/or service. Stakeholders influence programs, products, and services.

·         Any organization, governmental entity, or individual that has a stake in or may be impacted by a given approach to environmental regulation, pollution prevention, energy conservation, etc.

·         A participant in a community mobilization effort, representing a particular segment of society. School board members, environmental organizations, elected officials, chamber of commerce representatives, neighborhood advisory council members, and religious leaders are all examples of local stakeholders.

‘Mutual benefit’ is the key word. In considering multifaceted interests of stakeholder, an organization has to set programs wisely.  Sometime people just did the easiest way, just decided from the ‘right’ and the ‘wrong’ items and yet it is not as simple as right-wrong question. It needs a serial of thought and understanding to differentiate the ‘right’, the ‘good’, the ‘nice’ and the ‘appropriate’ ways.


Even we end up with the best solution we still have to find ‘second opinion’ to assure that the implementation of policies would have no negative impact to stakeholders, especially to marginal people.


Sometimes we can manipulate the real condition to meet the requirement of stakeholders, sometimes we reengineer data and information and find out the most common sense reason or argumentation, hence it seems everything has done appropriately and properly, but cheating is still the biggest crime in civilized society and far away from ethics and norms, particularly in educational institution. Therefore, we should response to multiple key stakeholders with honest, realistic, and accountable data. Let people decide with their opinion whether it is good or bad things without any distortion.

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