Selasa, 04 September 2012

presentation for class, 27 oct 2005
Sustainable development in economics
Prof. Dr. Edwin F.Shinn (Colorado State University)

a)    The participatory RAUneed because there is a gab between  rural villages and comunitie and the resource (socio cultural, technical, finacial, educational, health resource)

b)    The need of the RAU to village development

i)     Begin and ends with village participation, clarifying and building on local values and promoting local ownership and self reliance

ii)    Generates sustaining technical and social organization

iii)   Encourages forms of individual and group saving and enterprise development

iv)   Uses scientific and local knowledge to generate appropriate technologies

v)    Works with a number of villages sufficient to sustain and financially support development

vi)   Expands human recourses by training women and youth to assume responsible positions

vii) Builds business and technical capacity in village appointed leaders

viii)        Encourage private sector involvement in generating increased income, jobs and investment opportunities

ix)   Work with public agencies to adapt resources to local needs

x)    Established a global communication network to access resources

c)    The need of the RAU service center because the function to the villages as:

i)     Appropriate technology generation

ii)    Agriculture/ forestry/ watershed

iii)   Bussines / industri

iv)   Banking / finance/ micro credit

v)    Public health/ sanitation

vi)   Infrastructure/ public works/ environmental

vii) Education / training

viii)        Institutional networking

d)    RAU also need to within the community, between village cluster, between RAU and Participating Villages, Between the RAU service center and other resource organization throughout the world.

e)    RAU also need participatory of all segment of the community need to beinvolved in the development process at all stages including ;

i)     Women and men, youth and elder

ii)    All castes, families and kindship groups

iii)   Village elder, occupation groups, invited guest

f)     Some issues about such approach

i)     Provide a critical mass of villages that could support the continuation and sustainability of the development progress

ii)    Maintain the relative autonomy & self reliance of the village unit

iii)   Create effective access to human, technical and financial recourses

iv)   Make a subtantial impact on the elimination of global poverty

v)    Provide the information required for extending the development process to other region

1.B        Main feature of such an appoarch

a)    Main feature of the village earth models

i)     Basic development unit of 30.000-50.000 people for RAU

ii)    Universal participation of all village member

iii)   A multi disciplinary RAU service center operate with NGO resources

iv)   A need base generation of appropriate technology

v)    Development of numerous economic and social organizations

vi)   A communication process linked to world wide resources

vii) An ongoing evaluation and learning process at all leves

viii)        Indigenous control and management of the RAU service centre within five to ten year

b)    An RAU service center is a multi disciplinary resource acces unit service center, operated initially by NGO, is at the heart of the sustainable village based development approach and it have four basic function ;

i)     Appropriate technology packaging

ii)    Community planning support

iii)   Village scholar training

iv)   Village & inter-village consultant

c)    The RAU should have some elements that can provide a critical mass of village that could support the sustainability of the development process, maintain the autonomy and self reliance of the village unit, create acces to human, technical and financial resources, make a subtantial impact on the elimintion poverty, provide information require for extending the development process to other region.

d)    RAU service center also have the feature as networking and communication between the villages and saving/loan, public health/environment, agriculture and natural resources, small business/ industries, education/ training, public works/ infrastructure.

1.C        Two  possible applications of this appoach in Indonesia?

a)    Propose Establisment RAU for reduce poverty in rich natural resource area (such as in rokan hulu – Riau Provence – the biggest steam oil injection mining in the world running by caltex/ area in kabupaten kutai Timur-Kalimantan timur provence- one of the biggest open mining for coal)  or poverty in industrial estate area (such as Sekupang industrial estate-Batam, Jababeka Industrial estate-Cikarang-West Java;

i)     Condition

(1)  Natural rich area (multinational company operation), also a lot of supporting company for that huge operation or

(2)  Industrial estate, lot of industry big area of integrated industry

ii)    Pro

(1)  A lot of job opportunities in variety of fields such as mechanic,  electronic, electrical, welding, finance, administration, manager, process control, PLC and automation, pneumatic and hydrolic, otomotive, computer and communication and so on....

iii)   Contra

(1)  Most of the job need skill

(2)  The people in surruond have no skill or there is skill but cannot meet with the industry need

(3)  No job – more crime and demo

iv)   Facilities

(1)  There is (1) vocational training center under departemen of education and (2) labour training center under departemen of labour, (3) informal training center under non school directorate but

(a)  The graduate not respect by the industry because the skill not as the industry need

(b)  The graduate concentration does not fit with the need of the need, such as the outomotive student train with the volvo equipment while in area population only toyota, suzuki and other Japan and korea brand.

(c)  The equipment out of date, such as electronic student learn electronic with 25 year old equipment at the time the graduate go works...” oh my God ....where are all those transistor.... all part are IC/integrated circuit)

(d)  All the school have the same equipment but only for the entry leve such as all the school have the basic pneumatic but none have the advance pneumatic hydrolic automation model which the staff need by the industry badly

(e)  Out of date software, that 3 training program use old software which for the computer IT one of fastest growing technology, some of the training center use the IBM AT286 which using Microsoft Windows Ver 3.1 or DOS operating system

(f)   Have low skill of teacher because low salary, and the teacher most not have the industrial experience

v)    RAU brige make connecting parties – comunication – coordinating between ;

(1)  Local goverment

(2)  Vocational school

(3)  Labour training center

(4)  Informal training center

(5)  Industries surround

(6)  Education society

(7)  Village people participatory

vi)   Purpose of the RAU , connecting, communication, coordinating

(1)  What industries need and want

(2)  What people want



(1)  There people skill as the industry needs

viii)        Jobs and reward


Local goverment
Make policy to support the  join skill training center and support the fund into 1 comprehensive industrial skill training centre instead into 3 training center
More people get the job, less demo and less crime, economic growth, more money  from the taxes
Vocational school
Focus industrial skill training, teacher upgrading
More graduate get job, more money too
Labour training center
Focus industrial skill training, teacher upgrading
More graduate get job, more money too
Informal training center
Focus industrial skill training, teacher upgrading
More graduate get job, more money too
Communicate what the need and standar, involved in the RAU as advisor, give some money to the training center instead they have their own expensive training centre
Less demo, less crime, the people surround love the industri, economic growth, operation more cheap because not everything import from java (in batam even the vegetables from java/sumatra
Education sociaty
Good job, maybe can go the major/ head of region election next year
Maintain the RAU
Growth economically


b)    Establishment RAU in the mountain rural area, sample area in Jambi

i)     Condition;

(1)  Rich area of natural resource such as good in rubber, vegetables, fruit, handicraft (batik jambi)

(2)  Difficult transportation because in the mountain no sea tranport, no railway, no airport, electricity ok, telephone sometimes.

(3)  Several kabupaten, hundreds of villages.

ii)    Propose of RAU

(1)  Solve the problem of the infrasructure to the society

(2)  To provide villages that could support the brige to the acces of trading.

(3)  Maintain the relative autonomy and self reliance of the village unit.

(4)  Create effective acces to market acces and financial acces and the micro credit to the farmer since the area good for the vegetables and fruit.



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